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Supporting Children Battling Cancer



The Amanda Riley Foundation is an approved 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation that was established on September 20, 2010 to lend support to children and the families of children currently battling cancer. Our goal is to do things to put a smile on a child's face, today - while they are in the midst of their battle - during their toughest times.  The foundation was established is to honor the memory of our precious 17 year old daughter Amanda that battled cancer for 405 days before going home to live with Jesus on April 9, 2010.


We were with Amanda every step of the way and watched her fight this battle with such grace but the pain and suffering she had to endure was relentless. We also witnessed the struggles of many other children as well. The very vivid memories of their battles are what have motivated us to start this foundation. These brave children have made a forever impact on our lives and are a testament to what true courage and strength is. No child should ever have to fight this fight but unfortunately, a child is diagnosed with cancer every 38 minutes and every 3 hours, 11 minutes, and 40 seconds - A CHILD DIES!


This is why we MUST give to these kids. Until there is a cure, our goal will be to make the lives of these precious children as pleasant as we can, hopefully be able to put a smile on their face. We plan to provide the little things to kids to make their life a little better. Unfortunately, some of the kids like Amanda may have a type of cancer where their odds of surviving are against them so we want to try to make their life better today, not knowing how many more days they have here.  


Being that we journeyed down the same road as these kids, we know first-hand the types of things that would brighten up a child's life while battling cancer. Please visit our "how to help" page for a detailed listing of these items.


Our ideas are endless, now we just need the funds to accomplish this. If you are looking for a charity to sponsor, we would certainly appreciate you considering ours.  We pay NO salaries and have NO overhead.  We are also an approved 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation and all donations are tax deductible.    


Thank you for your support and for making SMILES possible!

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